Friday, October 26, 2007

Google continues to battle it out in China

Search engine giant Google is having a real tough time in China. Initially, it seemed Chinese markets were unattainable for Google. However, in due course, the situation did ease a bit. But now, China is back at the Internet war! Latest reports indicate that most US-based search engines are being hijacked and directed to Baidu, the popular Chinese search site.

As per industry analysts, Chinese users searching anything on Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are being automatically redirected to Baidu. Some say this is a subtle way of retaliation for China, who exercises stringent control over the functioning of the Internet in its region.

Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama is said to be the focal point of these controversies. He has been recently awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by Washington, and according to reports, this development has further enraged leaders in China.

The Internet companies, on their part, are looking into the matter and hope it will all be resolved soon. Obviously, the redirection of a large chunk of their global traffic will be hurting them. We'll have to wait and watch if things can get any better henceforth.

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